Monday, November 7, 2016

Query to find all responsibilities of a user

The following query finds all the responsibilities that are assigned to a user. This query can be useful if you want to know if a user has a particular responsibility or any responsibility that has been end dated. However, if you just want to see the current "Active" responsibilities of the user, uncomment the "FURG.END_DATE" condition (very bottom line of the query).

In the following example, I used "AMOHSIN" as my user name to list all my responsibilities.

-- Query to find all responsibilities of a user
SELECT fu.user_name                "User Name",
       frt.responsibility_name     "Responsibility Name",
       furg.start_date             "Start Date",
       furg.end_date               "End Date",       
       fr.responsibility_key       "Responsibility Key",
       fa.application_short_name   "Application Short Name"
  FROM fnd_user_resp_groups_direct        furg,
       applsys.fnd_user                   fu,
       applsys.fnd_responsibility_tl      frt,
       applsys.fnd_responsibility         fr,
       applsys.fnd_application_tl         fat,
       applsys.fnd_application            fa
 WHERE furg.user_id             =  fu.user_id
   AND furg.responsibility_id   =  frt.responsibility_id
   AND fr.responsibility_id     =  frt.responsibility_id
   AND fa.application_id        =  fat.application_id
   AND fr.application_id        =  fat.application_id
   AND frt.language             =  USERENV('LANG')
   AND UPPER(fu.user_name)      =  UPPER('AMOHSIN')  -- <change it>
   -- AND (furg.end_date IS NULL OR furg.end_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
 ORDER BY frt.responsibility_name;

Query to find Application Short Name of a module

The following query lists all the applications related information. This query can be used to find the APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME of a module (eg. Payables, Receivables, Order Management, etc.) that are often used for downloading FNDLOAD LDT files, adding responsibility to a user and many more.

You can uncomment the FAT.APPLICATION_NAME condition (very bottom line of the query) to learn about a particular module. In this case, I used "Payables".

-- Query to find all APPLICATION (module) information
SELECT fa.application_id           "Application ID",
       fat.application_name        "Application Name",
       fa.application_short_name   "Application Short Name",
       fa.basepath                 "Basepath"
  FROM fnd_application     fa,
       fnd_application_tl  fat
 WHERE fa.application_id = fat.application_id
   AND fat.language      = USERENV('LANG')
   -- AND fat.application_name = 'Payables'  -- <change it>
 ORDER BY fat.application_name;

Query to find Parameters and Value Sets associated with a Concurrent Program

Following query finds the parameters and the value sets that are associated with a Concurrent Program. Change concurrent program name (fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name, see below) according to your search criteria. In this example, my concurrent program name is "XX AR Conversion Program".

-- Query to find Parameters and Value Sets associated with a Concurrent Program
SELECT fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name  "Concurrent Program Name",
       fcp.concurrent_program_name        "Program Short Name",
       fdfcuv.column_seq_num              "Column Seq #",
       fdfcuv.end_user_column_name        "Parameter Name",
       fdfcuv.form_left_prompt            "Prompt Name",
       fdfcuv.enabled_flag                "Enabled Flag",
       fdfcuv.required_flag               "Required Flag",
       fdfcuv.display_flag                "Display Flag",
       fdfcuv.flex_value_set_id           "Value Set ID",
       ffvs.flex_value_set_name           "Value Set Name",
       flv.meaning                        "Default Type",
       fdfcuv.default_value               "Default Value"
  FROM fnd_concurrent_programs      fcp,
       fnd_concurrent_programs_tl   fcpl,
       fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl  fdfcuv,
       fnd_flex_value_sets          ffvs,
       fnd_lookup_values            flv
 WHERE fcp.concurrent_program_id          =  fcpl.concurrent_program_id
   AND fdfcuv.descriptive_flexfield_name  =  '$SRS$.' || fcp.concurrent_program_name
   AND ffvs.flex_value_set_id             =  fdfcuv.flex_value_set_id
   AND flv.lookup_type(+)                 =  'FLEX_DEFAULT_TYPE'
   AND flv.lookup_code(+)                 =  fdfcuv.default_type
   AND fcpl.LANGUAGE                      =  USERENV('LANG')
   AND flv.LANGUAGE(+)                    =  USERENV('LANG')
   AND fdfcuv.enabled_flag                =  'Y'
   AND fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name  =  'XX AR Conversion Program'  -- <change it>
 ORDER BY fdfcuv.column_seq_num;

Query to add any responsibility to a user

The following query adds a particular responsibility to a particular user. This query needs to be run by APPS.

The query will prompt for a "User Name" and "Reponsibility Name" that need to be added to that user. The query first finds the RESPONSIBILITY_KEY and APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME for that responsibility, and then adds it to the user using Oracle's FND_USER_PKG.ADDRESP function.

In the following example, I used 'AMOHSIN' as my username, and added "System Administrator" to my responsibilities. Change these two input parameters as per your requirement.

-- Query to add a responsibility to a user, using FND_USER_PKG.ADDRESP
   v_username         fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
   v_resp_key         fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%TYPE;
   v_apps_short_name  fnd_application.application_short_name%TYPE;
   v_resp_name        fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name%TYPE;
   v_username   :=  '&USER_NAME';  -- eg. 'AMOHSIN'
   v_resp_name  :=  '&RESP_NAME';  -- eg. 'System Administrator'
   -- the Responsibility that need to be added
   SELECT fr.responsibility_key,
     INTO v_resp_key,
     FROM applsys.fnd_responsibility_tl      frt,
          applsys.fnd_responsibility         fr,
          applsys.fnd_application_tl         fat,
          applsys.fnd_application            fa
    WHERE fr.responsibility_id     =  frt.responsibility_id
      AND fa.application_id        =  fat.application_id
      AND fr.application_id        =  fat.application_id
      AND frt.language             =  USERENV('LANG')
      AND fat.language             =  USERENV('LANG')
      AND frt.responsibility_name  =  v_resp_name;
   -- if found, then add it to the user; else jump into exception
      USERNAME        =>  UPPER(v_username), -- User Name: 'AMOHSIN'
      RESP_APP        =>  v_apps_short_name, -- Apps Short Name: 'SYSADMIN'
      RESP_KEY        =>  v_resp_key,        -- Resp Key: 'SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR'
      DESCRIPTION     =>  NULL,
      START_DATE      =>  SYSDATE,
      END_DATE        =>  NULL);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_resp_name || ' responsibility added successfully for ' || v_username);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_resp_name || ' responsibility not added for ' || v_username);

Oracle Fusion - Cost Lines and Expenditure Item link in Projects

SELECT   ccd.transaction_id,ex.expenditure_item_id,cacat.serial_number FROM fusion.CST_INV_TRANSACTIONS cit,   fusion.cst_cost_distribution_...