Monday, January 30, 2017

Inventory Module Setup in Oracle EBS R12.

What is Oracle Inventory?
  • An Oracle Inventory Module  is a facility where you store and transact items. Before you can use Oracle Inventory, you must define one or more inventory organizations.
What is the need for Inventory Module in Oracle?
Oracle Inventory meets the following business needs of an organization:
  • Building the enterprise structure
  • Creating item numbers
  • Monitoring inventory on an ongoing basis
  • Maintaining accurate on-hand balances
  • Planning material replenishments
  • Forecating demand

A simple Inventory Organization structure is below for reference:

  • Lets see the setup procedure in detail by following the below summary.
  • Adding inventory responibility to the Buisness Group
  • Enabling Profile Options
  • Defining Locations, working calenders
  • Creating Master Org, Inventory Org
  • Creating Sub Inventories
  • Creating Locators for the subinventories
Below basket of funtions has to be enabled to fullfill Inventory module setups in short.
Before going head make sure you have completed the multiorg structure properly with Buisness Group, General Ledger, Operating Unit.
For the below setup,
  • Buisness Group/User : IPHONE
  • General Ledger : IPHONE LED
  • Operating Unit: IPHONE 5

STEP 1: Adding inventory responibility to the Buisness Group
Invoking : System Administrator→Security→Responsibility→Define
  • Press F11 and query for Inventory, Vision Operations (USA) and rename to your wish.

  • Now add the responsibility to the user,
Invoking : System Administrator→Security→User→Define
  • Query for your user and add the Inventory responsibility.

STEP 2: Enabling Profile Options
  • Lets enable the profile options for the inventory responsibility.
Invoking: System Administrator→Profile→System

In Profile field enter these features:
  • %GL%Led%NA%
  • %HR%User%, %HR%Sec%, %HR%Bus%
  • %MO%Oper%Unit%,  %MO%Defaul %, %MO%Sec%

So that the final output will appear as below.

STEP 3: Defining Locations, Workday Calender

  • Now Login to Inventory Responsibility,

  • Lets create two locations for 2 different Inventory org locations, one for Master Org Inventory & other for Inventory, under the Operating Unit IPHONE5
Invoking: Inventory→Setup→Organization→Location

First Location Name: IPHONE 5 Loc1

Second Location Name : IPHONE5 LOC2

  • Now lets create workday calender
Invoking: Inventory→Setup→Organization→Calender
  • We have created Workday Calender with name IPN WC, Complete the workday pattern, shifts, dates accordingly as per Buisness Standards.
  • On the same page of Workday Calender,
Select Tool→Biuld→Calender(To update the calender we created)

  • Now we are done with creating location for inventories & Workday Calender, lets attach both while creating Inventory Organizations.

STEP 4: Creating Master Org, Inventory Org
  • Before creating Inventory org its mandatory to create a master org.
Invoking: Inventory→Setup→Organization→Organization
  • Lets create a Master Org with the name IPHONE MASTER ORG
  • Add the funtion Inventory Organization under name and check the Enabled option as below.
  • Click on others, below pop up window opens

  • Lets update Accounting Information, Inventory Information alone for Master Org.

Click on Accounting information from above.
  • Fill Primary Ledger : IPHONE LED1137(USD) (Created Before)
  • Legal Entity : IPL(Created Before)
  • Operating Unit : no need for Master Org

  • After updating click on others again, select Inventory Information as below.

  • Inventory information is very important and we have to fill carefully all the mandatory fields as below.
  • Organization code 5MO (Our Choice) is just an unique code given by us.
  • Calender: we are pasting the workday calender (IPN WC) which we created before.
  • Item Master Organization acts as a server or Admin or Master for all inventories under specific Operating unit.
  • Here We have updated IPHONE MASTER ORG as Item Master Org as below.

  • In Costing Information below we have updated IPHONE MASTER ORG that we created and the account 09 that we set before for legal entity.

  • For all other tabs follow the below screenshots correspondingly.

  • After filling all the mandatory fields save the dialog box, which completes Master Org.

             Now Create a new Inventory as below.
Invoking: Inventory→Setup→Organization→Organization
  • Select the location we have created before for the inventory and we have Named Inventory as : IPHONE INVENTORY

  • Click on others:

  • Here mention the operating unit for the inventory we have created.
  • After saving, Click on others button again, Click on Inventory information as below.
  • Atatch the IPHONE MASTER ORG in the Item Master Org.
  • change the charge line of the account if needed.

              Now click on Inventory-Reciveing information, will take you to the web page as below.
  • Fill all the mandatory (*) blanks as below.
  • Give the account number with the Legal Entity created before(09)

Save the above dialog box

If you like to create another inventory you can follow the above steps or else you can even copy the inventory organainzation to create a new as below.
Invoking: Inventory→Setup→Organizations→Organization Copy→Maintain Interface
  • Now select Inventory→Setup→Organizations→Organization Copy→Launch Organization Copy
  • Provide the Model Organization (Source) & Group Code (Just created) so that all the details of Model Organization is copied to the new one.
  • Click on submit to run the concurrent program, which will create new inventory.

Hence we have completed creating
  • Master Org
  • IPHONE Inventory 1
  • SECOND IPHONE Inventory

STEP: 5 Creating Sub Inventories & Locators
  • Lets create Subinventory for respective Inventories.
  • Select Change Organization from inventory responsibility
It will list all the inventories created, let’s select IPHONE Inventory, so that we can create sub inventory, stock locators in this inventory.
Invoking:  Setup→Organization→Sub inventories.
Select new, create a Sub inventory of our choice.
  • Here we are creating sub inventory as IMAC
  • Make sure in Main tab, Quantity tracked & Asset Sub Inventory checked as below.
  • In Account Tab select Account (09) depending upon charted accounts.
  • Save the above screen and select on locators
  • Select the locators and fill the fields as ROW Q, RACK 4, BIN B as below of your choice.
  • Save and close the form which completes the sub inventory and stock locators basic.
  • Similarly we can create “n” number of sub inventories respectively.
Below is the flowchart of the setup we created for better understanding.
  • Now after completing all the above, switch the responsibility to system administrator.
  • Click on View→Request→Submit a New Request-Single Request→OK
  • Run :Replicate seed data as below.

Check the status View→Request

  • Which completes all essential setups for the Inventory Organization.
  • Incase you have not created any Operating Unit or General Ledger, as an optional step, you can query the organization ‘Vision Operations’ and check that it is classified as both a Legal Entity and Operating Unit as well as an Inventory Organization. If you check the Inventory Organization Parameters for ‘Vision Operations’ you will notice that the organization code is defined as ‘V1′. The master org is itself.
  • You must plan how Oracle Inventory represents your company's inventory sites and business units. This includes defining organizations, locations, subinventories, and locators.
  • This completes Inventory Org Basic Setup In Oracle EBS R12.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Advance Pricing Concepts

Advance Pricing Concepts

Advance Pricing is an advanced, highly flexible pricing engine that executes pricing calculations for Oracle Order Management. Its a rule based application which enables us to

  • Give discounts by percentage and amount
  • Default price based on Price list, Qualifiers and Pricing formulas
  • Apply price modifiers and 
  • Apply a surcharge
  • Calculate Freight Charges

Concepts in Advance Pricing

  • Price List
  • Qualifiers
  • Modifiers
  • Pricing Formulas
  • Pricing Attributes
Price list: Each item must have a price and defining its price in price list is a mandatory step. Price list is a repository of item pricing details and to define a price list you must specify price list name, its effective dates, what is currency, item details etc. In price list you can also define price break, specify a qualifier and secondary price list.

 For a price list, you can define Price Breaks, Pricing attributes, Qualifiers, Formulas, and secondary price lists. 

Qualifiers : Qualifier are the attributes which help the pricing engine to determine eligible sales order line for defaulting price, formulas or Modifiers.

Modifiers : A modifier enables us to make price adjustment like giving discount or applying surcharge or freight.

Pricing Formulas : Formulas are mathematical expressions that the pricing engine uses to determine the list prices of items and the discounts that apply to those items.

Pricing Attributes : Attributes define exactly what is being priced or modified. Attributes are the factors that affect the price of the item. It specify the characteristics which helps to determine the price of a product. For example Customer class, Distance, Age of the product etc. You can specify one or a combination of pricing attributes and assign them to a product. At order entry time, the pricing engine evaluates the attributes you have specified during formula setup to calculate the price.


1) What are the Base Tables and Interface Tables for Order Management?

OE_CREDITS_IFACE_ALL (Order holds like credit check holds etc)
Base Tables : OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL: Order Header Information
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL: Items Information
OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS: Discounts Information
OE_SALES_CREDITS: Sales Representative Credits.

2) What is Order Import and What are the Setup's involved in Order Import?
A) Order Import is an open interface that consists of open interface tables and a set of API’s. It imports New, updated, or changed sales orders from other applications such as Legacy systems. Order Import features include validations, Defaulting, Processing Constraints checks, Applying and releasing of order holds, scheduling of shipments, then ultimately inserting, updating or deleting orders from the OM base tables. Order management checks all the data during the import process to ensure its validity with OM. Valid Transactions are then converted into orders with lines, reservations ,price adjustments, and sales credits in the OM base tables.
B) Setups:
· Setup every aspect of order management that we want to use with imported orders, including customers, pricing, items, and bills.
· Define and enable the order import sources using the order import source window.

3) Explain the Order Cycle?i) Enter the Sales Order
ii) Book the Sales Order(SO will not be processed until booked(Inventory confirmation))
iii) Release sales order(Pickslip Report is generated and Deliveries are created)
(Deliveries – details about the delivery. Belongs to shipping module (wsh_deliveries, wsh_new_deliveries, wsh_delivery_assignments etc) they explain how many items are being shipped and such details.
iv) Transaction Move Order (creates reservations determines the source and transfers the inventory into the staging areas)
v) Launch Pick Release (
vi) Ship Confirm (Shipping Documents(Pickslip report, Performa Invoice, Shipping Lables))

4) Explain the Order to Cash Flow?
I. Enter the Sales Order
II. Book the Sales Order(SO will not be processed until booked(Inventory confirmation))
III. Release sales order(Pickslip Report is generated and Deliveries are created)
(Deliveries – details about the delivery. Belongs to shipping module (wsh_deliveries, wsh_new_deliveries, wsh_delivery_assignments etc) they explain how many items are being shipped and such details.
IV. Transaction Move Order (Selects the serial number of the product which has to be moved/ shipped)
V. Launch Pick Release
VI. Ship Confirm (Shipping Documents(Pickslip report, Performa Invoice, Shipping Lables))
VII. AutoInvoice (Creation of Invoice in Accounts Receivable Module)
VIII. Autolockbox ( Appling Receipts to Invoices In AR)
IX. Transfer to General Ledger ( Populates GL interface tables)
X. Journal Import ( Populates GL base tables)
XI. Posting ( Account Balances Updated).

5. What are the Process Constraints?A. Process Constraints prevent users from adding updating, deleting, splitting lines and canceling order or return information beyond certain points in the order cycle. Oracle has provided certain process constraints which prevent data integrity violations.
Process constraints are defined for entities and attributes. Entities include regions on the sales order window such as order, line, order price adjustments, line price adjustments, order sales credits and line sales credits. Attributes include individual fields (of a particular entity) such as warehouse, shit to location, or agreement.

6. What are Validation Templates? 
A) Validation Templates are used to define the validation conditions in process constraints. A validation template names a conditions and defines the semantic of how to validate that condition. These are used in processing constraints framework to specify the constraining conditions for a given constraint. These conditions are based on
Where the entity is in its work flow.
The state of attributes on an entity.
Any other validation condition that cannot be modeled using the above condition.

7. What are different types of Holds?· GSA(General Services Administration) Violation Hold(Ensures that specific customers always get better pricing for example Govt. Customers)
· Credit Checking Hold( Used for credit checking feature Ex: Credit Limit)
· Configurator Validation Hold ( Cause: If we invalidate a configuration after booking)

8. What is Document Sequence?
A) Document sequence is defined to automatically generate numbers for your orders or returns as you enter them. Single / multiple document sequences can be defined for different order types.
Document sequences can be defined as three types Automatic (Does not ensure that the numbers are contiguous), Gapless (Ensures that the numbering is contiguous), Manual Numbering. Order Management validates that the number specified is unique for order type.

9. What are Defaulting Rules?A) A defaulting rule is a value that OM automatically places in an order field of the sales order window. Defaulting rules reduce the amount of information one must enter. A defaulting rule is a collection of defaulting sources for objects and their attributes.
It involves the following steps
· Defaulting Conditions - Conditions for Defaulting
· Sequence – Priority for search
· Source – Entity ,Attribute, Value
· Defaulting source/Value

10. When an order cannot be cancelled?
A) An order cannot be cancelled if,
· It has been closed
· It has already been cancelled
· A work order is open for an ATO line
· Any part of the line has been shipped or invoiced
· Any return line has been returned or credited.

11. When an order cannot be deleted?A) you cannot delete an order line until there is a need for recording reason.

12. What is order type?
A) An order type is the classification of order. It controls the order work flow activity, order number sequence, credit check point and transaction type. Order Type is associated to a work flow process which drives the processing of the order.

13. What are primary and secondary price lists?A) Every order is associated to a price list as each item on the order ought to have a price. A price list is contains basic list information and one or more pricing lines, pricing attributes, qualifiers, and secondary price lists. The price list that is primarily associated to an order is termed as Primary price list.
The pricing engine uses a Secondary Price list if it cannot determine the price of the item ordered in the Primary price list.

14. What is pick slip? Types?
A) It is an internal shipping document that pickers use to locate items to ship for an order.
· Standard Pick Slip – Each order will have its own pick slip with in each picking batch.
· Consolidated Pickslip – Pick slip will have all the orders released in the each picking batch.

15. What is packing slip?A) It is an external shipping document that accompanies the shipment itemizing the contents of the shipment.

16. What are picking rules?
A) Picking rules define the sources and prioritization of sub inventories, lots, revisions and locators when the item is pick released by order management. They are user defined set of rules to define the priorities order management must use when picking items from finished goods inventory to ship to a customer.

17. Where do you find the order status column?A) In the base tables, Order Status is maintained both at the header and line level. The field that maintains the Order status is FLOW_STATUS_CODE. This field is available in both the OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL and OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.

18. When the order import program is run it validates and the errors occurred can be seen in?A) Responsibility: Order Management Super User
Navigation: Order, Returns > Import Orders > Corrections

Oracle Inventory Defining Organization

Defining Inventory Organization

Navigate to the Inventory Super User responsibility.
Setup Ã  Organizations Ã  Organizations
Define the following organizations as per the requirement of business
·         Business Group
·         Legal entity
·         Operating Unit
·         Organization
External organizations (for example, tax offices, insurance carriers, disability organizations, benefit carriers, or recruitment agencies)
Internal organizations (for example, departments, sections or cost centers)

Select New

Creating an Organization

1.       Enter a name for your organization in the Name field. A check is performed to see if organizations with the same name already exist.
All Oracle applications you install share the information entered in the Organization window. Therefore organization names must be unique within a business group, and business group names must be unique across your applications network.
2.       Optionally, select an organization type in the Type field.
Organization types do not classify your organization; you use them for reporting purposes only. The type may identify the function an organization performs, such as Administration or Service, or the level of each organization in your enterprise, such as Division, Department or Cost Center.
3.       Enter a start date in the From field. This should be early enough to include any historical information you need to enter.
4.       Enter a location, if one exists. You can also enter an internal address to add more details such as floor or office number.
5.       Enter internal or external in the Internal or External field. You cannot assign people to an external organization.
Examples of external organizations that may require entry are disability organizations, benefits carriers, insurance carriers, organizations that employees name as beneficiaries of certain employee benefits, and organizations that are recipients of third party payments from employees' pay.
6.       Then save your work.

Organization Classification

As we are defining an Inventory Organization, we will choose the classification name as Inventory Organization.
Then mark the enabled checkbox and then save your work.  

Then go to Others

Select Accounting Information
Here, we need to attach the Ledger, Legal Entity and Operating Unit.

Enter the details and select Ok, again in next window Ok.
This will ask for a confirmation, select Yes.
Then again from the Others button, select Inventory Information.
This will pop up the Organization Parameters window.

Organization Parameters

You can define and update default inventory and costing parameters for your current organization in the following areas:
  1. Inventory Parameters
  2. Costing Information
  3. Other Account Parameters
  4. Revision, Lot, Serial, LPN Parameters
  5. ATP, Pick, Item–Sourcing Parameters
  6. Defining Inter–Organization Information
  7. Defining Warehouse Parameters

Inventory Parameters

1. Enter an organization code for which you want to set up the organization parameter.
2. Select an Item Master organization. Oracle Inventory only defines items in the Item Master organization of the organization from which you enter the Items window.
3. Select a workday calendar. This is required when Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning is installed.
4. Optionally, select a demand class. Demand classes segregate scheduled demand and production into groups, allowing you to track and consume those groups independently. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses this demand class during forecast consumption, and shipment and production relief.
5. In the Move Order Timeout Period field, enter the number of days a move order requisition can wait for approval.
The workflow approval process sends a notification to the item planner when a move order requisition requires approval. After the first timeout period, if the recipient has not approved or rejected the order, a reminder notice is sent. After the second timeout period, the order is automatically approved or rejected, depending on whether you select Approve automatically or Reject automatically in the Move Order Timeout Action field. If you want to bypass the move order approval process and automatically approve move order requisitions, enter 0 days in the Move Order Timeout Period field and select Approve automatically in the Move Order Timeout Action field.
6. Select a move order timeout action
Approve automatically: After the second timeout period, move order requisitions are automatically approved. Select this option and set the Move Order Timeout Period to 0 if you want to bypass the move order approval process and automatically approve move order requisitions.
Reject automatically: After the second timeout period, move order requisitions are automatically rejected.
7. Select a locator control option:
None: Inventory transactions within this organization do not require locator information.
Prespecified only: Inventory transactions within this organization require a valid, predefined locator for each item.
Dynamic entry allowed: Inventory transactions within this organization require a locator for each item. You can choose a valid, predefined locator, or define a locator dynamically at the time of transaction.
Determined at subinventory level: Inventory transactions use locator control information that you define at the subinventory level.
  • Indicate whether to allow negative balances. Determines whether inventory transactions can drive the inventory balance of an item negative.
    Attention: If insufficient quantity on hand exists in a supply subinventory to satisfy backflush demand, Oracle Work in Process forces the supply subinventory balance negative, ignoring this option setting.
  • Auto delete allocation at Move Order cancellation
  • Indicate whether this organization is an Oracle Warehouse Managementenabled organization. You can use WMS features such as LPNs, task management, warehouse execution rules and cost
    groups in this organization. Locator control must be enabled in order to enable WMS. Once this has been enabled and transactions have been entered in this organization, this box cannot be unchecked.
  • Indicate whether this organization is enabled for Quality inspection.
  • Indicate whether this organization is an Oracle Enterprise Asset Management enabled Organization.
  • Enter a total load weight and unit of measure for this organization.
  • Enter a total volume and unit of measure for this organization.  
8. Select a Default On-hand Material Status tracking option. This step is optional.
9. Indicate whether locator aliases must be unique across the organization

Costing Information

1. Costing Organization

2. Costing Method

3. Transfer to GL
 Indicate whether all transactions are posted in detail to the general ledger.
Caution: Transferring detail transaction distributions to the general ledger increases general ledger posting times due to the number of records created.
4. Reverse Encumbrance Indicate whether to reverse encumbrance entry upon receipt in inventory.
You normally select this option if you use encumbrances with Oracle Purchasing.
5. Optionally, enter a Cost Cutoff Date
If you leave this field blank, all available transactions will be costed,as usual. If you enter a date, all transactions prior to this date will be costed. All transactions on or later than this date will not be costed.
For inter–organization transfers, a standard costing, receiving organization will not cost a receipt if the sending organization did not already cost the transaction.
The default time is the first instant of the date. You can optionally choose another time.
The standard cost update process can be performed on the cost cutoff date. You can restart cost processing by changing the cutoff date to blank, or a future date.

6. Default Material Sub element
For standard costing, select a material sub–element that this organization uses as a default when you define item costs. For average costing, the default material sub–element you select can be used for cost collection when Project Cost Collection Enabled is set.
7. Material Over head Sub elementOptionally, select a Default Material Overhead Sub–Element from the list of values. During the Supply Chain Rollup process, when costs are merged from another organization, markup and shipping costs will use this value.
The supply chain cost rollup will complete successfully, regardless of whether this field is populated. If the Cost Rollup identifies an organization with a default material overhead sub–element not set up, a corresponding warning message will be printed in the log file.
8. Default Cost GroupIndicate the default cost group for the organization. This will default into the Default Cost Group field for each subinventory. If the WMS cost group rules engine fails to find a cost group, this cost group will be used.
9. Valuation Accounts
You choose a default valuation account when you define organization parameters. Under standard costing, these accounts are defaulted when you define subinventories and can be overridden. Under average costing, these accounts (except for Expense) are used for subinventory transactions and cannot be updated. For a detailed discussion of cost
Material An asset account that tracks material cost. For average costing, this account holds your inventory
and intransit values. Once you perform transactions, you cannot change this account.
Material Overhead An asset account that tracks material overhead cost.
Resource An asset account that tracks resource cost.
Overhead An asset account that tracks resource and outside processing overheads.
Outside processing An asset account that tracks outside processing cost.
Expense The expense account used when tracking a non–asset item.

Other Accounts

Purchase Price Variance : The variance account used to record differences between purchase order price and standard cost. This account is not used with the average cost method.
Invoice Price Variance : The variance account used to record differences between purchase order price and invoice price. This account is used by Accounts Payable to record invoice price variance.
Inventory A/P Accrual : The liability account that represents all inventory purchase order receipts not matched in Accounts Payable, such as the uninvoiced receipts account.
Encumbrance: An expense account used to recognize the reservation of funds when a purchase order is approved.
Sales: The profit and loss (income statement) account that tracks the default revenue account.
Cost of Goods Sold: The profit and loss (income statement) account that tracks the default cost of goods sold account.
Project Clearance Account: When performing miscellaneous issues to capital projects, the project clearance account is used to post the distributions.
Deferred COGS Account: This account is used by the Sales Order Issue transaction type to deferred COGS until AR recognizes revenue.
Cost Variance Account:  Under average costing with negative quantity balances, this account represents the inventory valuation error caused by issuing your inventory before your receipts.
Landed Cost Management (LCM) variance account: This account is used by the new Landed Cost Management module.
Note: For standard costing, only the Purchase Price Variance, Inventory A/P Accrual, Invoice Price Variance, Expense, Sales and Cost of Goods Sold accounts are required. The other accounts are used as defaults to speed your set up.
Note: For average costing, only the Material, Average Cost Variance, Inventory A/P Accrual, Invoice Price Variance, Expense, Sales and Cost of Goods Sold accounts are required. The other accounts are used as defaults or are not required.

Revision, Lot, Serial, LPN Parameters

Enter a starting revision to be the default for each new item.
Lot Number
1. Select an option for lot number uniqueness.
Across items: Enforce unique lot numbers for items across all organizations.
None: Unique lot numbers are not required.
2. Select an option for lot number generation.
User–defined: Enter user–defined lot numbers when you receive items.
At organization level: Define the starting prefix and lot number information for items using the values you enter in the Prefix, Zero Pad Suffix, and Total Length fields. When you receive items, this information is used to automatically generate lot numbers for your items.
At item level: Define the starting lot number prefix and the starting lot number when you define the item. This information is used to generate a lot number for the item when it is received.
3. Indicate whether to add zeroes to right–justify the numeric portion of lot numbers (Zero Pad Suffix).
4. Optionally, select an alphanumeric lot number prefix to use for system–generated lot numbers when generation is at the organization level.
5. Optionally, define the maximum length for lot numbers. If you use Oracle Work in Process and you set the WIP parameter to default the lot number based on inventory rules, then WIP validates the length of the lot number against the length you define in this field.
Serial Number
1. Select an option for serial number uniqueness.
Within inventory items: Enforce unique serial numbers for inventory items.
Within organization: Enforce unique serial numbers within the current organization.
Across organizations: Enforce unique serial numbers throughout all organizations.
2. Select an option for serial number generation.
At organization level: Define the starting prefix and serial number information for items using the information you enter in the following fields of this window.
At item level: Define the starting serial number prefix and the starting serial number when you define the item.
3. Optionally, select an alphanumeric serial number prefix to use for system–generated serial numbers when generation is at the organization level.
4. Optionally, enter a starting serial number to use for system–generated serial numbers.
If serial number generation is at the organization level you must enter a starting serial number.
5. Indicate whether the system will suggest serial numbers as part of the move order line allocating process. If you do not select this option, you must manually enter the serial numbers in order to transact the move order.

ATP, Pick, Item–Sourcing Parameters

Select a default ATP rule.
ATP rules define the options used to calculate the available to promise quantity of an item. If you are using Oracle Order
Management, the default is the ATP rule for the Master organization.
Picking Defaults
Select a default picking rule.
Picking rules define the priority that order management functions use to pick items.
Notes: This rule will not be employed in a WMS enabled organization. The WMS picking rules will be used.
Enter a default subinventory picking order.
This value indicates the priority with which you pick items from a subinventory, relative to another subinventory, in which a given item resides. The value you enter here displays as the default when you define a subinventory.
Enter a default locator picking order.
This value indicates the priority with which you pick items from a locator, relative to another locator, where a given item resides. The value you enter here displays as the default when you define a locator.
Check the Pick Confirmation Required box if you want your pickers to manually pick confirm. If you do not check the box, pick confirmation will occur automatically.
Item-Sourcing Default
Select a source type for item replenishment.
Inventory: Replenish items internally from another subinventory in the same organization or another organization.
Supplier: Replenish items externally, from a supplier you specify in Oracle Purchasing.
None: No default source for item replenishment.
Select the organization used to replenish items.
You must enter a value in this field if you selected Inventory in the Type field.
Select the subinventory used to replenish items.
You must enter a value in this field if you selected your current organization in the Organization field. You cannot enter a value in this field if you selected Supplier in the Type field.

Inter–Organization Information

Select an Inter–Organization Transfer Charge option.
None: Do not add transfer charges to a material transfer between organizations.
Predefined percent: Automatically add a predefined percent of the transaction value when you perform the inter–organization transfer.
Requested value: Enter the discrete value to add when you perform the inter–organization transfer.
Requested percent: Enter the discrete percentage of the transfer value to add when you perform the inter–organization transfer.
Inter–organization cost accounts
Enter default inter–organization cost accounts. These accounts are defaulted when you set up shipping information in the
Inter–Organization Shipping Networks window

Oracle Fusion - Cost Lines and Expenditure Item link in Projects

SELECT   ccd.transaction_id,ex.expenditure_item_id,cacat.serial_number FROM fusion.CST_INV_TRANSACTIONS cit,   fusion.cst_cost_distribution_...