àdevelop the RTF TEMPLATE REPORT layout.
àcopy a dummy image in that RTF layout at
the top position wherever you want the image.
àThen right click on the dummy image EDIT
ALT TEXT(Ms office 2016) for the image
àIn the ALT TEXT give the following code
for getting the image dynamically.
the server path where you want to place the original image location
the image name whatever you want to display in output.
àconnect to the PUTTY
àlogin with the credentials
à Run the command for set the
environment “ps -ef|grep inh”
Then you see
list of paths in server …cd <path>
eg: /us1001/TEST/apps/tech_st
àin that path you will get the environment
path “APPSTEST.env”
àthen run the command “. APPSTEST.env” for setup environment.
àthen run pwd for getting present
working directory
àthen run the command “cd $OA_MEDIA”
and then run “pwd”
àthen you will get the $OA_MEDIA
directory “/us1001/TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/media”
àconnect WINSCP and goto the above path
for placing a image
ànext step in place the image in the above
àthen run the concurrent program you
will the image in the output pdf file.