Thursday, December 29, 2016

Retrieve third lowest value from a table

Retrieve third lowest value from a table

Question: How can I retrieve the third lowest salary amount from a salary table?

Answer: To retrieve the third lowest salary from a salary table, you could run the following query: (please note that the subquery is sorted in ascending order)
SELECT salary_amount
FROM(select salary2.*, rownum rnum from
(select * from salary ORDER BY salary_amount) salary2
where rownum <= 3 )
WHERE rnum >= 3;

If you wanted to retrieve all fields from the salary table for the third lowest salary, you could run the following query: (please note that the subquery is sorted in ascending order)
FROM(select salary2.*, rownum rnum from
(select * from salary ORDER BY salary_amount) salary2
where rownum <= 3 )
WHERE rnum >= 3;

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